Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hess Gas Station - BITTER

This one is as much a rant as anything. I've just decided this evening that I will no longer get gas from my formerly favorite gas station, Hess. The gas station by my house has 14 pumps in a newly remodeled (completely torn down and rebuilt) location. 

Every time I go there it takes unbearably long. They typically have 2 workers that have to handle all 14 busy pumps on the side of a major highway. These 2 gentlemen handle the pressure of the situation by moving at the speed of a snail looking for directions. I don't necessarily blame them. I blame the manager who is in the little store inside who clearly does not care at all about the situation outside to staff the location properly. 

Further, the Hess company has decided in its infinite wisdom to put in a security measure which prevents customers from pumping the gas themselves. It's a swipe card that activates the pump so you can't do it yourself even if you want to. Fortunately, they can't stop you from finishing the "pump process" by putting the pump back on its holder and taking your receipt.

Last but not least, and this goes out to all gas stations who do this, when did it become the acceptible standard to leave the customer's credit card sticking out of the pump while the gas is flowing? Why can't you just reach over and hand it back? I'm honestly surprised that there are not more credit card thefts from gas stations. It would be unbelievably easy.

Hess spent tons of money to make a location look really nice and didn't bother spending any money on attendants. It's going to look real nice from now on as I drive by at 55 mph.

Hess, today you get a last straw BITTER. I'll be going to the Exxon up the road 1/4 mile.

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